What to pack for your child...

  • A bag that your child can easily master and take control of their belongings.

  • A minimum of two changes of seasonally appropriate clothing.

  • A small named lunch (Omokoroa) and named drink bottle with water.

  • A reusable waterproof bag for wet clothing, we have these for purchase if you wish.

  • In summer, a wide brimmed hat and clothing that covers the shoulders.

  • Please sunblock your child before drop off, we will reapply during the day.

  • In winter, a warm hat, warm jacket, extra clothes and shoes or gumboots.

  • Bottles, breast milk or formula. We provide regular blue top milk if required.

  • Disposable nappies if you choose to opt out of our cloth nappy scheme.

  • Special comforters for sleeping and/or settling.

  • Please name everything so that all belongings come home.

"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

Settling your child...

Parents and children are encouraged to have several short visits to the centre before their scheduled start date. There is no charge for these sessions while a parent or caregiver is present.

These visits allow the child and the parents to become familiar with the teachers and the new environment. It also gives the teachers a chance to get to know your child so they can help facilitate a smooth transition into our centre.

We always ask that the parent/guardian says goodbye when they leave rather than slipping away, as children often find the discovery of you gone more upsetting than the upset they may feel when saying goodbye to you.

Meals and baking...

We will be baking and cooking regularly with the children as part of the curriculum at The Garden. The children (and teachers!) will get to enjoy this for morning tea, afternoon tea and late snack, along with fresh, seasonal fruit and veggies. So all you need to pack is a small lunch. We will be encouraging rolling meal times in the over 2's room, this means your child can learn to listen to their body signals and they don't have to be interrupted from their very important and valuable work. Teachers of course will monitor this, especially with our newest and littlest friends.

If your child is starting very early or finishing late you are welcome to pack a breakfast or dinner for them, we know how hectic it can be at these times and this may just help a little bit!

When your child is unwell...

We have a detailed illness policy in the parent handbook to refer to if necessary. This ensures the continued good health and wellbeing of all the children and teachers at The Garden.

Toileting and nappies...

Toileting is a huge step for little ones and should only be started when they are showing very keen interest and readiness. For some children this may be around two years old but for many it may be closer to three. We work closely with families to ensure consistency for your child.

We will be utilising a cloth nappy scheme at The Garden. This closely aligns with our environmental policy. All cloth nappies with be cared for under a very strict hygiene policy. You can opt out of this scheme and provide disposable nappies for your child if you prefer. 


We work closely with families to ensure your child's sleep routines are kept consistent at The Garden as well. In your enrolment pack you will find a 'getting to know me' form to fill out which lets us know in detail how and when your child prefers to rest and if they have any special comforters to help them settle.
